Category Archives: Love

God Uses The Strangest Things

I often think about what am I really “seeing” when I’m in the midst of a storm? Am I seeing the end result, am I seeing the past(what I could have done to protect myself from it) or am I seeing nothing but the STORM(right then in the present)?

It is my experience that sometimes it’s all these things in the blink of an eye. Sometimes it’s simply the current situation.

The worst thing I can see is the PAST! Be careful when ppl say: I’m only bringing up your past so that you can learn from it and make sure it never happens again!

People (well ill say for those who are in Christ) stop listening to mans logic & wisdom…if you are constantly reminded of what went wrong…whose speaking of what to do right? Whose teaching you how to forgive & forget? YES FORGET…meaning when you truly forgive someone…when see them, hear them, the past situation is not the first thing that comes to mind! Yes I know it’s HARD! It’s why you need the strength of God to walk it out! Doesn’t mean you have to be best friends again, or date, etc…but it does mean that there is NO ROOT of bitterness that has hold of you! (Hebrews 12:15) remember whats growing on the INSIDE of you can kill you quicker than any outside circumstance!

Please LET GOD BE THE JUDGE, for HE is the only ONE that knows the whole truth concerning the STORM! And trust He will judge accordingly. None of us have the right to judge someone…no sin greater than the other, God says that the wages if sin is death..but guess which death He speaking of…the one that count..SPIRITUAL! Why should we fear any man who can only kill the body, vs the one who can kill both?

It was through accident that left my 4yr old son lying in a hospital bed brain dead that brought me to Christ. At the time I was going through the storm I went through every emotion possible …but GOD, my SPEECH changed from VICTIM, to CONQUEROR! And I LOST a lot of friends! I gained new ones…but that CIRCLE is small now! And filled with those who could careless who I was before Christ, but push me daily to be WHO HE CREATED ME TO BE!

Friends, family, others may never understand WHY u love someone, why u don’t give up, why u won’t quit? But remember its not for them too…you however must ensure that you are committed to the CALLING!





“LOVE is not complicated! It’s simply at war with lust! Just as the spirit is at war the flesh! Love (God) speaks to your spirit! Lust(of the devil) speaks to your flesh! And you find yourself “falling” in & out! Let not your heart be confused…follow the spirit!”-Margo Anderson



These are MY words! I only wonder what her heart is screaming at times! Again MY words!

Hmmm! It’s February 2009…and my life just changed!! It’s fight number 13425321456432244, but this one has been found out! What do I do now?!!!

He wouldn’t tell the truth, and I wouldn’t let it go! Now here we are…restraining orders, aching hearts, replacement lovers, and tears!!! Jah help me please!!!

I can’t breathe! I can’t sleep at night without you by my side! 3yrs has been far too long..but we are so different now! The world still hates you…and I’m now and forever in the I DON’T CARE WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT ME MODE! But you…you still seem a bit unhappy! I lost my best friend, the love of my life and I lost my Gran Gran! Where the weed at?!!!

Your friends say tell them what happened for real in 2009? Huh? Yea what happened? Only you, me, & Jah knows…so what’s the truth? Did I jump on you and you defended yourself? Was I the one who received the text that sent you through the roof? Did I finish the job you started and beat myself worse? Cause surely I hated you the whole time?! Ughhhh …swimming pool full of liquor please let me dive in! I want to go numb!

You spite me I return the favor but its vicious cause I’m better at it…why won’t you just listen!!!!! You young you time to wife me up…whose are them?! I’m on tour, you’re promoting your want me on an album cover ill do it?!! My relationship with you brought me my first #1 album…well hopefully I get USHERED(confessions went diamond)..but if I never got a number 1 album am I a failure? Billboard was calling me saying I broke records before this album…but hey! I will risk it all (I have) to see you on top! Lets unseat the king/queen! Oh wait I leaked the pic of myself to tmz in ‘09! It’s all a conspiracy to ruin you!

I lied on Oprah about still loving you, so I could pry you away from your girlfriend! I’m horrible! Because I CONTROL your heart! Okay I give ALL BACK! I admit I am headstrong..and after ‘09 it’s worse..I am not a victim..that’s the truth! Don’t cry for me! I can take an L! What I can’t take is seeing you being used and people really believing I’m the one doing it!

I’m so frustrated, and so stubborn! The problem is you’re the same! You want to be single, I don’t…and I won’t compromise! You want to wait till you have provided for every member in your crew and I’m thinking until mama J and your immediate are good? You are right we have different wants & needs! People change and we couldn’t expect to just pick up where we left off! There is no bridge to walk over here…we have to swim!!! Are we equipped to finish this…(Drink)?! Do we want to (Drink)?! The world says NO! (Dive In) flashes of greatness go before my eyes..Whitney, Michael, ..that’s not our fate!

So what’s the truth?! I know what I believe? You know what you believe..our friends believe what we told them? So that leaves Jah! Lord help us! -Robyn

The mark of a man of God destined to be a husband is his ability to take the blame for the sins/wrongs of his wife to be! He discusses it with her..but he takes responsibility! Just as Christ did for the church and gave HIMSELF for her..and HE IS SEATED AT THE RIGHT AND OF THE FATHER! To expose the church(woman) to the world causes a death(or pain for all) to repent and take responsibility is eternal life! Read Genesis 2-3

Chris let God be the judge between you and her…the world has no RIGHT to do it!



@AngelaSimmons Talks Love with @YMCMB_BW

Hey guys,

Recently, I was thinking it would be interesting to share different perspectives on love and life from those around me. I think we all can relate to these topics as we continue to grow as individuals (progress, not perfection!) and thought it would be cool to begin a Q&A series. Recently I talked to Bow about his thoughts on love and relationships. Here’s what he had to say:

How would you describe yourself in a relationship?
I’m cool laid back. Don’t really trip much. I’m the only child so it’s like I’m used to doing things on my own. So I don’t mind cleaning and all that. I don’t let my woman do all the work, I don’t believe in that. I just roll with the flow.

What would your dream date be?
You know what I really wouldn’t know. I ain’t been on a date in so long… My dates aren’t dates — like if I hit you to invite you out, it’s usually to the club or a game or something. It’s a fun atmosphere. I ain’t know people still did those traditional dinner dates with the flower in the center of table. Haha

What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?
I can’t remember the last date I been on. But I never had a bad experience with a woman we when we out.

What qualities do you look for in a partner?
Looks, smarts, attitude… all that is important. She gotta have a job and just play her role. Be loyal and we all good.

What are some of your pet peeves in a relationship?
I hate doing things a woman might want me to do. Like, that’s why you like me is because of who I am. Don’t change me, because I’m not looking to change you. Don’t ask me a million questions. I hate being drilled because of her insecurities.

What’s a deal breaker for you in a relationship?
Going through my phone.

What’s a common mistake you think a lot of couples make?
Not being open and honest and just experiencing things together to make the relationship stay fresh and new.

What do you value in a partner/relationship?
The love, the bond, the not being alone. I value her. Oh yeah… and the sex ha!

What’s something you’ve learned from previous relationships?
Sometimes you better off single. That’s real.

Love is…
POWERFUL. Be cautious who you use that word with.

What’s something you’ve learned from previous relationships? Share with me below!
XO, Angela

I really wish Bow Wow would sit his butt down because Angela is definitely,seemingly, a great fit for him!

Angela Simmons




This is one movie I can’t wait to see. Tyler Perry seem to have put his best foot forward in this dramatic twist of love, lust, and temptation in his new movie: Temptation. The movie was previously titled “The Marriage Counselor” after the stage play, but as production went on, the name changed. Starring Lance Gross, Jurnee Smolette, Kim Kardashian, Brandy, and more…I don’t think it will disappoint. The movie debuts 3/29. Check out the trailer.


A bold exploration of the intrigue and perils of infidelity, Tyler Perry’s Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor is a compelling love story that dives straight into the heart of obsessive passion. “It’s about a woman who starts to get restless in her relationship and her choice to be with another man has a huge effect on the rest of her life,” explains screenwriter/producer/director Tyler Perry. “She goes on a journey – in her career and in her marriage – and she ends up in a very different place than she expected.” In a departure from his previous dramas, this explosive film finds Perry exploring the nature of desire – and just how powerful and dangerous a taste of the forbidden can be. “This is definitely one of the most provocative movies – sexually and otherwise – that I’ve made,” says the director. “There are a lot of people who struggle in their relationships. They make bad choices about their marriages. They get divorced. And so many of them don’t step out of their situation and really think about the consequences of what they’re doing. This movie asks, ‘Are you sure you want to do this?’ It sends up a flag.”



“Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you turst in him. Your roots will grown down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how deep, His love is.”-Ephesians 3:17-18



“Hatred stirs up contentions, but love covers all transgressions.”-Proverbs 10:12 (AMP)



“Who shall ever separate us from Christ’s love? Shall suffering and affliction and tribulation? Or calamity and distress? Or persecution or hunger or destitution or peril or sword?”-Romans 8:35



This is a must have album, for every R/B fan out there. I don’t even have to take the time to explain who uncle Charlie is I hope…lol. But check out his brand new album: Love, Charlie.

Buy: Charlie Wilson-Love, Charlie



Yaaassss! Finally we get new music from the one and only Johnta Austin. Singer & prolific songwriter drops his new EP exclusively on Global14. The 7-track free EP is fiyah! If you are a true r/b fan..treat yourself to this one. Scroll down to the music player to listen to the EP.

Download-Johnta Austin-Love