Category Archives: Margo


Margo and Nicole recently started their vlog series called: SIP TIME CHRONICLES WITH MARGO AND NICOLE, and they share their thoughts on everything from music to religion. Check them out as they talk about Monica’s new album, New Life, Drake and Rihanna’s video, Take Care, Relationships (dating younger/older), and their feelings on what Easter means for them. Enjoy!



Good morning CELEBRITYMINISTRY readers. I realized today while in meditation, that it’s very possible to become connected interpersonally (a real way) to people you have never met. I know that’s not new revelation to most, but bare with me, I’m going
For all the hours that most of us spend on social networks, it becomes so apparent, that no matter your motives for joining, everyday that you log on (whether you are getting results from your reason for signing up in the first place or not), you continue to log in..why is that?
Simple, because our ability to connect, our desire to connect to others in some way shape or form is like no other creation on earth. It’s like a magnetic force that no human being can repel.
It’s why I find myself daily, praying for this community, it’s creator, and most of all, the connections that are made here.
Ha I know it’s a lot for a Satruday morning huh..but for any that know me, this is not out of the I often wonder what will be my legacy when it’s my turn to see the Father? How will I be remembered, not only by my family, & close friends, but by those I have connected with here, and other networks, through my blog, my youtube etc…will the more famous people whom I have chatted with, poured into even remember my name? Perhaps so, maybe not, but the most important person will for sure…GOD.
See I have come to know..the first day I submitted to HIS PLAN for my’s just my job to BELIEVE, OBEY, AND RECEIVE.
Not sure if I have ever impacted ”your” life in any way (those who may read)…but I pray it was all in a good way.
Love Margo

What My Birthday Means

You are prudent, circumspect and take things seriously. Before you make any move, you will think of a few alternatives that might take a while. You are patient, imaginative and target oriented. You value friendship more than anything else. Your Love, You usually study your partner carefully before making any move. You never demand anything beyond the natural quality of that person. Your sincerity doesn’t bring excitement in your love life but it brings deeply grown relationship.

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Posted by on March 13, 2009 in April, Birthday, Margo