08 Oct

So the past couple of months have been crazy for Rihanna, & yet I believe burden lifting all in the same breath. Back in August she had, what I believe to be her most candid interview to date. Rihanna gave Oprah an exclusive interview from her home country, Barbados, and the Bahan beauty was open & as honest as she could be with whatever question she was asked.

We all know the ’09 situation, so we can fast forward to 8/19 when the interview with Oprah aired, and we all sat with baited breath wondering what she would say to us concerning her friend, Chris Brown. We would get to hear from her own mouth what the state of their relationship is (to the degree that she wanted us to know), and we get an inside look at who she is, and what she dealt with in the aftermath of the situation, etc. Rihanna gave us all of that. On that day she let it be known that, yes she had seen Chris & talked to him, (they have been working to rebuild their friendship), that she absolutely believes he is (not was) the love of her life, and that yes she still loves him (and that they probably will always love each other). Every since that day, I believe the paparrazi (as if she needed to add any fuel to have them chasing her down anyway) went to hyper gear. Every move she made, pictures began to surface, & right behind it would be some picture of Chris either in the same city, or same venue as Rihanna. I don’t have to bore you with the fact that it was well known that Chris had a “girlfriend” and yet everytime he popped on a blog it had something to do with Rihanna. So with everyone talking about how sorry they feel for Karruche because of the way Chris broke up with her, I’m going to give my Rihanna perspective.

If you haven’t noticed the tweets have slowed down, the subliminal messages through instagram, even the photo likes on there…why is that? Because we all know that Rihanna has come to a stage in her life where she wants everyone to believe (even to convince herself) that she really doesn’t give two cents about what anyone thinks. We know that at anytime she could simply pick up her phone & text Chris any message she wanted to send him, but the connection she has built with her Navy (what she adoringly calls her fans-RihannaNavy), she keeps it absolutely as real as she can with them about what she dealing with from day to day, good or bad.

Well last week things with Chris (as we the public were allowed to see..cause I am totally convinced that for the most part we only see what a superstar of this caliber allows us to see) heated up. It heated up to such a degree, that the r/b superstar sent out a press release stating that he & his “girlfriend” of over a year were broken up, stating his friendship with Rihanna as the reason. Now I can only imagine how Kae must have felt, but honestly I have no real pity for her concerning this situation, except that Chris really didn’t have to do it like that without letting her know first. Because her twitter reaction leads you to believe that she really didn’t know that he was breaking up with her. Yet if she didn’t know through the subliminal tweets, the 2 remixes should have been enough to have her pack up her bags, and the embrace at the VMA’s should have said, bye bye baby. But as everyone began to throw the pity party for her, I could only imagine what Rihanna was thinking (while she was over in Baku performing) hearing these words: “Is it possible to love 2 people!” See I know you are like what’s wrong with that, but If Im Rihanna, I flash back to the 2 1/2 yrs were were together before the incident, the friendship we built the love that still lingers, and yet you equate her with me when you make the statement of love? You say I’m (Rihanna) the person you have History with, but you fell IN love with her? This leaves Rihanna in a weird predicament.

See, I look at like this, what Chris & Rihanna had prior to the incident, was a strong foundation that they built up, & perceived that nothing could ever break/crack that foundation. But a bomb dropped, and although I feel as if people should have allowed them to sift through the rubble together to determine where they go from there…people of influence came out with their weapons drawn, & not only threatened Chris, but Rihanna as well. And for over 3yrs they have tried to just get past it. Chris got a “girlfriend” Rihanna dated Matt Kemp (no I don’t include Drake at all)..but in the end, they were both hoping that maybe one day they could find their way back to each other. If you didn’t know that video Chris dropped, was well thought out, honestly I believe Rihanna of course knew they were filming (by her flipping the bird toward the RiRi). Yet, with everyone saying “they are back together” I’m just not so sure that’s correct.

It was reported that Chris & Karruche were both at a party thrown by Christina Milian, who is friends with Chris’s ex Kae, only a couple of days after the split. Coincidently, Rihanna was in Baku. Now no one knows what that was all about, I mean I’m sure they were invited before the breakup…but if Chris & Rihanna were an item, do you think she would be good, knowing that Chris just let the world know that he loved this woman as well, & with raw feelings is now in the same room with her amongst friends, & Rihanna is 1000’s of miles away? Not sure you will ever see her get disrespected, & there be no backlash, simply because she has laid it all out on the line for Chris. It’s his choice. Rihanna has made her choice publicly known, Chris however said alot without saying anything.

Rihanna your predicament, being cast as the “thirsty” one, the one who “broke” up Chris’s relationship, & any other evil they speaking against you, will only last as long as you allow it. It’s time for Mr. Brown to put his big boy draws on, & just make his true declaration…either he in or he out. Either way, with her daily devotion (Joyce Meyers), she just keep getting stronger daily. No matter what happens with the relationship however, Rihanna did the right thing by forgiving him. People just don’t understand the power of forgiveness. You can’t go through life holding grudges & reliving past will literally kill you.

Yet I do find it funny that she has pretty much “paused” on the all the public adoration she has for Chris…let’s see where this leads her. I pray it’s nothing but happiness from this point forward..and starting with a #1 single, for your new album, is definitely the way to go.

Buy: Rihanna-Diamonds

Download: Rihanna feat. Chris Brown-Birthday Cake (Remix)
Download: Chris Brown feat. Rihanna-Turn Up The Music (Remix)


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